Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ten Days Until the Sheep and Wool Festival!

There are only ten days to the Sheep and Wool Festival! You're going to get tired of hearing about how I can hardly wait, but it's really better than Christmas for me. And I don't even have to get together presents for everyone else!

This year, as frequently happens, I'll be going with very little money, but will be getting some money on the Monday after the fest, so I plan to spend some of that money on things I might've bought there, but didn't have the money.

At the festival, I usually try to buy things that I don't really want to buy over the internet, such as things that are handmade, and therefore, one of a kind, particularly if they're made of wood, which always has it's own individual grain.

But I have been looking at things that I might want to buy later, and there are some tempting things out there, let me tell you!

About the demonstrations of the new Majacraft wheel, there is a schedule posted on their blog, finally! Since Holly has to drive in the opposite direction from the festival to pick me up before she even gets started, which makes it a one to two hour drive just to get back to where she started and pick up the rest of the people who are going, and it's about a two hour drive after that, we seldom get there by noon. So, it looks like my best bet will be to catch them at Susan's Fiber Shop at 2:30. I had a feeling Susan would have one of their wheels and be demonstrating it! She has everything, and can demonstrate all of it!

I just put new batteries in my wonderful, fabulous camera, and I'm charging up some more, just in case!


Today has been a cool, overcast day for this time of year. There's probably been a bit of drizzle, too, but I haven't really been paying attention to it.

It's a good thing this is a cool day because although they started trying to get the air conditioning here to work on Monday, they were still having problems with doing that yesterday, and they said maybe later in the day, or possibly tomorrow (today). It's still not on, though. The heat and allergy situation is much better though because of the coolness, overcast, and the drizzle (which washes at least some of the pollen out of the air).

It's a quiet day with not much happening, and nothing good on TV tonight, but this is why I have a DVR, after all.

I hope all of you are having a more fun day than I am!

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