Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Heat Wave!

Well, we're back to the usual Spring insanity with the place that I live.

Don't get me wrong, this is a really wonderful place to live. There's just one problem. The heat is either on or off. The building seems to hold heat, and I only have to use the control that I have in my apartment to turn it up from "cold" when the temp doesn't go above 10 degrees for a high in the winter. Normally, the windows are open from October to late April because it's so warm in here.

Well, we have had temperatures around 80 degrees for over a week, and THE HEAT IS STILL ON! It's expected to get to around 90 today, and have I mentioned that the heat is STILL ON! I can expect temps in my apartment of 110 degrees or above.

AND, as if that isn't enough, the only way I've been able to survive so far is by opening the windows and blowing in TONS of tree pollen, to which I'm allergic! So, as usual, the apartment place has given me a BIG start on a health problem that will last until Christmas because of all this pollen I'm being exposed to. First, there's tree pollen (now), then grass, then ragweed.

I'm planning on going out for the day where the heat will only be excessive, not lethal.

Maybe I'll move to the mall.

Anyway, until this problem is resolved, you may not hear much of me on this blog, so don't be alarmed.

Lost and V tonight!

Have fun until I'm back!

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