Sunday, August 9, 2009

We Hate Comcast!

Comcast, the company that hates it's customers and doesn't mind showing it, turned off service for Holly and Robin.

They couldn't pay their bill due to the fact that Comcast's computer is messed up. Comcast refused to accept a payment, thus (according to legal precedent) cancelling the debt. Robin told them to cancel service permanently, but they said they couldn't do that because (according to them) they still owed money.

So, Comcast is stuck in a limbo of their own making. They'll have an account with Comcast forever because their account can't be closed because they (according to Comcast) owe money that Comcast won't let them pay.

Once again, all together, with feeling: "WE HATE COMCAST!"

The great side to all this is that they'll be having DirecTV installed on Monday! They'll be getting a DVR! And by that, I mean a DVR that works! Not a DVR like the one I have from Comcast that works sometimes. If I could get DirecTV where I live, I would have done it two months after I moved here! I hate Comcast!

They'll have a DVR that has twice the capacity of mine. And it will just work! When they watch a movie and get interrupted and go back to it later, they'll be able to go back to where they stopped watching it, even if it's an hour later, unlike my DVR that remembers where I left off for all of two minutes (if I'm lucky).

And when they go to watch something they've recorded, they'll be able to watch it, not get a black screen that will necessitate unplugging the DVR for at least 5 seconds, and then make them wait another 10 minutes while the DVR boots up to have another shot at trying to watch it. Which is what mine does all too frequently.

And it turns out that you can get internet through DirecTV, too, unlike what they told me a while back.

And Holly said that if she forgets to set the DVR to record something that she can call it on her phone and tell it to record!

I envy them!


A bit more than a week ago, I answered a call on Twitter and volunteered to make a hat for someone for their yarn store. Last week, I got a ball of yarn in the mail that looked and felt like it had been wound by the incredible Hulk, and he was trying to see how tight he could possibly wind it. Photo later.

Well, I've rewound it, and given it some time for the yarn to relax from the outrageous stretching it's been subjected to. The ball of yarn is much bigger now.

I've been searching on Ravelry for a nice hat to make. Since the yarn is variegated, I thought a nice entrelac would be be good. She specified that it had to be knit in a free pattern. After a long search, I decided to knit a Quant from

Spin-Off did an article about this pattern, and I've been wanting to get the pattern and knit one. I'd like to knit it from some yarn with slightly longer intervals of color, but I think it's going to be nice after all. And it's one of the few patterns that can be made with 200 yards of yarn or less. The ball of yarn said it has 200 yards, but the ball was about the size of a softball when it arrived, so I have some serious doubts about that. If it was measured while under the extreme tension needed to wind the ball so tight, it's probably more like the 150-160 yards needed to knit the Quant.

More info and photos on this later.

Hope you're having a great weekend!

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