Saturday, August 29, 2009

Schedule Update

I talked to Holly on the phone Thursday night, & we went over our upcoming schedule (among other things). It was after 2 am when I talked to her, and I was pretty sleepy, so I'm posting my understanding of the schedule so that if I've made a mistake, we can fix it now and all be on the same page.

29 Aug--(today)--Holly is going to Baltimore. More on this coming up later in the post. The Maryland Renaissance Festival opens today, but we're not going this weekend.

5 Sep--Holly and I will be going out shopping and having fun together.

11 Sep--The local library will be holding a book sale, and I'll be attending.

12-13 Sep--Holly will be in Baltimore attending knitting classes.

19-20 Sep--Holly will be attending Renfairs in Michigan and Ohio.

26 Sep--Holly, Everett, Jeff, Ashton and I will be attending the Maryland Renaissance Festival.

3 Oct--We will be at the Fall Fiber Festival! This is not as wonderful as the Sheep & Wool Fest, but something to keep me from going into withdrawal before the next one. It's always fun! Except when there's bottomless mud.

17th or 24th Oct--We will be at the Maryland Renaissance Festival one of these two days. The first of these two weekends is pirate weekend, and the second is chivalry weekend. Holly can't decide which one she'd rather attend.

Here's the info I mentioned earlier--Holly signed up for three knitting classes at a yarn store in Baltimore: One for continental knitting, one for speed knitting, and one to knit a beaded scarf. Two of the classes will be on one weekend spread over Saturday and Sunday. She needs to pick up the beads so that she can string them before class, so she'll be going up there today, and staying to see the jellyfish exhibit at the aquarium. She's wanted to see the jellyfish exhibit ever since it was opened, and various things have happened to deflect her from this goal. She planned to go last weekend on Sunday, but woke up really sick. Before that, the car was having problems, and she couldn't go. So, today is the day, and it's beautiful and sunny, and a really nice summer day for traveling.

Last moment update: Holly just reported that she's picked up the beads, and will be presumably proceeding to see the jellyfish!


I finished knitting the very last of Kyle's socks late last night. I still have some ends to darn in on the last three socks, but I am otherwise finished. I need to write a little note to enclose about how to wash them, and consult with Holly about packaging. She said she has some stuff to send to Kyle, and that I should give her the socks and she'll send them. Holly said Kyle already called her to ask when she was going to get the socks, and she's really excited about it. They're my comfy socks pattern, and I'll have the free pattern up here real soon now.

And there is the ending of the entrelac section on the Quant to do, and the other tie. Almost done!


Sorry about not posting yesterday. I intended to, but I suspect that I have/had the same thing that Holly had last week. I have just been coughing nonstop for the past week. I can see signs today that it's beginning to let up, so even though I'm not OK, it's at least encouraging. It's just a cold or something, but it's been doing a great job of making me totally miserable lately.


I read on Twitter that starting in September, BBC in America will be having daytime marathons of shows similar to what SyFy does. The shows they'll be running marathons on include Doctor Who and Torchwood! I'm excited!

There's a new Being Human on BBC in America tonight!

Have a great weekend!

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