Happy International Steampunk Day!
H.G. Wells' birthday was chosen to be Steampunk Day. How appropriate!
If you want to watch something on TV with a steampunk flavor, you can catch old episodes of Warehouse 13, or wait until Monday, July 11th for the new season on Syfy. Or catch Sanctuary, which is also on Syfy on Monday evenings.
Today is also Flag Day!
Happy Flag Day!
Flag Day is a celebration of the adoption of the American Flag. Our flag has changed a bit over the years, due to extra stars for all the states, but this is the day we celebrate. It's also the date that we celebrate the founding of the US Army.
There are also special celebrations of Flag Day at Betsy Ross house in Philadelphia, which is right around the corner from the location of a place I used to work. Holly and I visited it and had a tour of the house when she was about seven years old. It was quite memorable for her, largely because she had no idea who Betsy Ross was and thought she was a friend of mine. She was not happy that she didn't get to meet Betsy, though. Or at least her children.
Tonight on TV, don't forget White CollarI have the first of the books about Chloe King waiting for me at the library, and the next two books are on their way and should be there tomorrow, when I intend to pick them up. As I get into the books, I'll let you know how it's going.
Last night, I had just settled down to watch Switched at Birth, when, about 20 minutes into it, the TV and internet went away! Comcast said they were experiencing an "optic break." Whatever that means, it meant that TV and internet was off for more than an hour, which is more time than I experienced having TV down in four years of Cox Cable and four years of DirecTV! Combined!
ABC Family will rerun it next Monday, late in the afternoon, before the showing of the new episode, so I won't really miss it.
Speaking of TV, my new TV arrived today, and some of the pieces were missing. They're sending them out right away, but that means I may not be able to watch or use it until next Monday. They said some people get those shipments in one or two days, but they couldn't promise it. With luck, maybe I can get it up and running on Friday.
My friend, Jennie, put up a link to an interesting article on Facebook for those of you who are interested in the Middle Ages or just weird stuff. It's all about some of the strange ways that people died during the Tudor era. Hope you have fun with it!
I'm finishing up on some Christmas presents, and should have some actual knitting to report sometime soon. I'll be getting back to the mobius set with cables, so it should be exciting.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a wonderful week!
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