For instance: How to make an ugly Christmas sweater. Not that there aren't lots of ugly Christmas sweaters out there, but you can certainly make a plain sweater ugly with these instructions!
It strikes me that you could probably make an Alien
sweater with the same instructions, too!
I also found instructions to knit a reversible cable scarf! One of my pet peeves about knitting things like cables on scarves is that they only show on one side, and the other side is obviously the "wrong" side. I feel scarves are supposed to be presentable on both sides, and you can't talk me out of it!
There's a PDF with the instructions if you scroll down and look around a bit.
It's one of my fondest dreams to knit a reversible cable scarf, although this particular one isn't the solution I had in mind, and at some point, I'm going to make one that I really like.
Locus has an article up which wonders why there isn't more knitting in science fiction and fantasy.
There actually is some knitting and other fiberarts in SF&F, but maybe there should be more.
There are three books by Piers Anthony about fiberarts, and he even gets it mostly right. The first one is With a Tangled Skein, about the fates, although the story is much more.
The cover is slightly cut off in the above photo, but it's so nice. The art was done by Michael Whelan, and it's one of his best! I've always loved the paintings he's done for covers of books, and this is one of my all time favorites! I wish I could find a poster of it!
I also found a chart of colors that you can get on natural fiber yarn from dyeing with Kool Aid! This is a very valuable treasure for anyone like me, who is allergic to just about everything. I can safely dye my own yarn! Some of the colors are fabulous, and while they may not show you the precise shade you want, you can fudge shades between what is shown. I think it's such an important resource, that I put it in the sidebar as a permanent link.
Almost everything I've listed here has been about fiberarts, but this one's different. It's about hypothyroidism.
There's a World Thyroid Register being created to help raise healthcare professionals' awareness of the problems faced by people with thyroid problems. If you have a thyroid problem and haven't been able to find treatment, or have been treated badly or just want to help the general cause, you might want to sign up.
Happy Tuesday!
That's always been one of my fave covers, too.