Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fools Day!

Happy Birthday, Malaia!

My granddaughter, Malaia, is having her birthday today, and I wish her the best!

Somehow, April Fools Day suits her for a birthday!


If you look around the internet today, you'll find a lot of April Fools Jokes.

I happened to look at something on TwitPic, and noticed that their name is upside down.

If you go to Google today, you might notice that they seem to have changed their name to Topeka.

And if you believe that, here's an article for you! DO NOT, under any circumstances (unless your boss is leaning over your shoulder) miss that last link! It's totally outrageous!

The most elaborate April Fools Day joke I've ever seen for fiberartists appears here, and involves a whole new fiber that you've never heard of before! This is just too funny!

If you enjoyed that, check out what they did last year!

Here's more information on the history of April Fool's Day. As the article points out, it's difficult to tell if the "history" is true or an April Fool's Day joke. My personal favorite is the "Arm the Homeless" campaign! Don't forget to scroll down for lots of links to other related stories!

The DiGionoro people want to help you publish an outrageous story to Facebook, and give you a coupon for a pizza to celebrate Aprils Fool's Day. Check it out, it's really hilarious.

Wikipedia has an April Fool's Day story on their main page today. That link will probably only get you the story today, but here's what should be a direct link. In case you're interested, here's the link to the actual April Fool's Day information on Wikipedia. Don't neglect to scroll down and find out how Alabama changed the value of Pi! My particular favorite is about the resort called San Seriffe. I have done typesetting, and anyone who appreciates typefaces will enjoy the description!

If you keep scrolling down, you'll be able to spend a large part of today reading about past April Fool jokes and pranks. One of my favorites is the Dead Fairy Hoax.

And last, but not least, click on the April Fool link and read about the Google vowel outage!


The universe played it's April Fool joke on me just a little early this year. One of the things the doctor prescribed for me to take is Nasonex. I took it according to directions yesterday.

The instant reaction was lots of sneezing that lasted quite a while, strong nasal itching and having my nose and every sinus I own filled to bursting in less than one minute! It was horrible! Kind of like having your head explode!

My nose and sinuses are just now starting to clear out. I think this is what's called a paradoxical reaction. My eyes still feel all swollen and bleary and I'm exhausted from little sleep last night due to imminent suffocation!

But I got the blood tests for the ENT doctor done at 8:30 AM today, which is good.


In science fiction media news today, check out this link for information on the changing face of science fiction schedules on TV. Some shows are finishing their season and others are starting, so you have to be on your toes to avoid missing something you might want to see. Some of the info is for this week, and some for into May.

There are lots of new episodes to regular shows tonight. They include The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Fringe, Flash Forward and The Mentalist. Unfortunately, if you can only record or watch two shows at a time, you won't be able to watch them all.


I happened across information on an interesting new artist. Check her out here!

I have some stuff I really (should have done it yesterday) have to get done, so I have to go, now.

I wish I could go out and walk for a bit before it gets dark. It's warm and sunny out, and perfect for a walk.

Back to the grindstone!

Have a great April Fool's Day, and don't get taken in!

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